I've got some serious dark circles under my eyes! I wish it was because I put on some cheap black eyeliner, but it's not. My kids won't sleep. Notice the plural...KIDS!!!! The last time I posted an update on here Johnny had been sleeping about 7 hours straight, but I spoke too soon. Then Jacob who has been the amazing sleeping child who loves to take naps decided he wants to be more like his brother. What?! Just when you think you have it all figured out and kids are getting settled, something just has to change. Some days I spend much of my time apologizing for being a grump and short tempered. I hate that girl. She's not very cool. I think Jason has been a grump as well, but he gets to deal with adults when he's tired during the day. Adults in the workplace may not always listen and follow direction but at least it's not in your house, and you don't love them!
At the same time, life still goes on and you manage. We've had a lot of things going on lately and seem to do a good job staying busy despite our incoherent state of mind. :)
At the start of the month Jason went on his yearly Man Trip to Taos for an entire week. It wasn't so bad and my parents took Jacob for one of those nights. I was so glad when Jason got back into town though. The early evenings when Jason normally gets home for dinner and then helps with bedtime was tough on my own. I reaped some reward by getting to go to the Women's Retreat while J watched the kids. However, I do feel a day of pampering or a least a massage is in order. Can I get an Amen? Please comment if you agree. :)
Well, I think I need to do a Johnny post. He was 4 months on Sunday so hopefully I can get it up soon, but don't hate me if I don't!
Enjoy this wonderful season!