Pictures People!
Hey Friends-
I don't have much time to write a lot. This is the week of the Fall Festival and I'm swamped, but I wanted to update the blog with some new pictures of Jacob.
HUGE Surprise! My sister and her daughters came back to the states from Guinea Africa. They have one more week here until they go back. We didn't think we were going to see them until 2009! Here is Jacob meeting his cousins Emma and Clara for the very first time in the airport. They had been traveling over 30 hours but were really excited to meet Jacob. Cute huh?
Jason and Jacob having some father and son time. Jacob really loves his daddy. It's quite heart warming to see them interact.
My mom (Nana) got the girls a chest full of dress up clothes. Aren't they adorable. I can't believe how much they have grown up!!!
Nana taking time to read to all the kids before they go to bed. Jacob is really hands on.
Here we are at Jacob's baby dedication at our church. The elders and their wives laid hands on us and prayed a blessing. You can see our good friends and neighbors Tim and Karen Yarbrough (that's Karen and Tim on the right) . Jacob would not be still for any of these pictures. He's a blur in all of them, plus I had to bounce him to keep from fussing. He was hungry!
The whole church read the blessing over Jacob:
Child of God, you are a blessing to us, and we now bless you. We pray that the Lord will give you joy and peace. We pray that as you grow older, you will grow deeper in the knowledge of our heavenly Father's love. That your faith will increase and you will choose to walk in His ways and follow His plan for your life. You are not alone on this journey; your church family will walk beside you. We pray that out of His glorious riches He may strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dewll in your heart through faith. And we pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses to the measure of all the fullness of God.
Emma and Jacob hanging out after church was over. They really like each other.
More hanging out time!
Jacob turns 6 months tomorrow. It's hard to believe how much he has changed in these last 6 months. I can't begin to imagine just how much more he will change 6 months from tomorrow. Praise God for the blessings He gives us through children, especially our own. The love I have for Jacob has streched my heart more than I ever thought it could. It's just another reminder of how much God loves me as His daughter and that his love is greater than I ever thought possible. Thank you Lord.
What a beautiful prayer of blessing. I know both Bailey and Abigail's dedications were so precious to us. Great pics too! He is a real charmer it looks like!
My favorite is the picture of your mom with the grandkids. A sweet, calm presence...even with Jake taking over the page turning. Awesome.
Hey Brittyne,
He is quite the charmer and has many people smitten with him. He's got a great laugh to. If I had a more efficent computer I would be able to download some of my video footage. It's good stuff. Hopefully soon though. I've asked Santa for a Powerbook for Christmas.
If only Jacob were calm. I have a feeling he'll go from crawling to running once he's old enough. I'm glad that the pictures have that calmness to them though. He's really quite the little entertainer.
Such cute pictures. Jacob is adorable. You and Jason seem to be doingn so well! I love that you two ended up together-- I had a blast working with Jason in Campus Life and with you in club! Makes me happy. Good to check in with you from time to time! Give us a ring if you're ever in Abilene. We'd love to see you. . .
In my mind, Emma is still the size of Jake. That was how tiny she was last time I saw her. It is amazing how fast they grow up!!!
Hi Summer!
It's great to hear from you. Thanks for the sweet comments. We need to come out to Abilene sometime soon. We missed Homecoming this year, which was our first to miss in 11 years!
I know, doesn't it seem like the other day when my sister and baby Emma came to stay with us? This time goes by so quickly! I can't belive Mallory is almost a year old and Jacob is now 6 months!!!!
Hi! Jacob is so cute. I love the pic of he and his daddy. It is so adorable. I know you are enjoying him so much. It brings back memories of our son, Bill, at that age. His daddy, Chuck, was in Viet Nam and Bill and I were living with my mom and dad. It was hard times back then, but having my little "Billy John" as he was called back then, was my little precious and saved me from a lot of heartache missing his daddy so terribly much. The boys are all growing so fast. Misti's Landon, Amy's Charlie and your Jacob. I hope you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Your little nieces are beautiful. Misti's Jordyn also loves to play dressup. I had cut my wedding dress down when Misti was 4, which was 30 years ago. She was a bridal doll on a float her preschool had in the Christmas parade in Pearsall, Texas. All the children were dressed up as dolls under the Christmas tree. My niece was Raggedy Ann. Amy wore the dress for Halloween one year. The other day when Jordyn stayed with us, she put on the dress and pretended she was a Bridezilla like the show on tv. She said she was marrying Sam, a little boy in her Bible Class. Then she wound up one of my music boxes and danced all over the living room. It was so cute and to remember back to when her mommy and aunt wore the same dress all those years ago. Those memories are priceless. I am so glad you will have wonderful memories full of the laughter of children. To me that is the most precious sound ever heard upon this earth. May you and your family have a very Merry Christmas and A Blessed New Year. Can you believe how close it is to Melody's and Michael's wedding on the 23rd? Give Jacob a big hug for me. Love ya, Karen
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